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Emmanuel Macron Profile And Political Career

Emmanuel Macron: Profile and Political Career

Early Life and Education

Emmanuel Macron was born on December 21, 1977, in Amiens, France. He graduated from Sciences Po Paris, a renowned political science institute, and later obtained a degree from the École Nationale d'Administration (ENA), France's elite civil service school.

Career in Finance and Public Service

After completing his education, Macron pursued a successful career in finance as an investment banker at Rothschild & Cie. In 2007, he entered public service as an economic advisor to President François Hollande, later becoming deputy secretary-general of the Élysée Palace.

Political Journey

Foundation of En Marche!

In 2016, Macron launched his centrist political movement, En Marche! (Onwards!). The movement aimed to bridge the political divide between the left and right in France and promote a progressive agenda.

Presidency of France

In 2017, Macron was elected President of France, becoming the youngest person to hold the office since Napoleon Bonaparte. During his presidency, he has focused on economic reforms, environmental sustainability, and strengthening Europe.

Current Role

Emmanuel Macron continues to serve as President of France, overseeing the country's domestic and international affairs. He has been an active figure on the global stage, advocating for multilateralism and climate action.
