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Exclusive Switkowski Report Findings And Recommendations

Exclusive: Switkowski Report Findings and Recommendations

Independent Review Reveals Damaging Governance at Essendon

Key Findings and Recommendations Released

Independent reviewer Dr. Ziggy Switkowski has released the key findings and recommendations from his review of governance at the Essendon Football Club. The publicly released version of the report highlights significant deficiencies in the club's governance practices, leading to a deterioration in player welfare and football performance.

Among the key findings, the report identifies a lack of transparency and accountability within the club's leadership, as well as a culture that discouraged dissent and openness. Additionally, the report highlights a failure to properly manage conflicts of interest and a lack of independent oversight.

The report's recommendations focus on addressing these deficiencies by strengthening governance practices, promoting transparency, and improving accountability. Switkowski calls for the establishment of a strong and independent board, as well as the implementation of robust policies and procedures.


The Switkowski Report serves as a stark reminder of the importance of good governance in sports organizations. Its findings and recommendations provide a blueprint for Essendon and other clubs to improve their governance practices and create a culture that prioritizes player welfare and ethical decision-making. As the club embarks on the path to reform, it is imperative that they learn from the mistakes of the past and embrace the principles of good governance.
